Published on in Vol 10 (2024)

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Predictive Models for Long Term Survival of AML Patients Treated with Venetoclax and Azacitidine or 7+3 Based on Post Treatment Events and Responses: Retrospective Cohort Study

Predictive Models for Long Term Survival of AML Patients Treated with Venetoclax and Azacitidine or 7+3 Based on Post Treatment Events and Responses: Retrospective Cohort Study

Predictive Models for Long Term Survival of AML Patients Treated with Venetoclax and Azacitidine or 7+3 Based on Post Treatment Events and Responses: Retrospective Cohort Study

Nazmul Islam   1 , MS, MBA, PhD ;   Jamie S Reuben   1 , MPH, MPPA ;   Justin Dale   1 , BBA ;   James W Coates   1 , BS, MS ;   Karan Sapiah   1 , MS ;   Frank R Markson   1 , BS ;   Craig T Jordan   2 , PhD ;   Clay Smith   3 , MD

1 RefinedScience, Aurora, CO, United States

2 Division of Hematology, University of Colorado Anschutz, Aurora, CO, United States

3 Department of Medicine, University of Colorado Anschutz, Aurora, CO, United States

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