Section Policies
Reviews on Innovations in Cancer
Viewpoints on Innovations in Cancer Care and Research
Innovations and Technology in Cancer Care
Innovations and Technology in Cancer Research
Innovations and Technology for Cancer Prevention and Screening
Patients' Corner: Patient Perspectives on Cancer, Technology, and the Patient Journey
We invite patients to submit short essays and viewpoints on all aspects of cancer, but in particular suggestions on how to improve the health care system, and suggestions for new technologies, applications and approaches. (no article processing fees)
Participatory Cancer Care
Patient Education for Cancer
Emotional, Social, Psychological Support for Cancer
Cancer Survivorship
Clinical Cancer Research
Basic Cancer Research
Doctor-Patient Communication on Cancer, Prevention, and Screening
Cancer and Prevention in the Media
Methods in Cancer Research
Questionnaires and Research Instruments for Cancer Patients
Questionnaire Mode and Participation Rates in Cancer Research
Cancer and Clinical Trials
Nutrition, Physical Activity, Healthy Lifestyle for Cancer Patients and Survivors
Mobile Apps for Cancer Care and Cancer Prevention and Screening
Cancer Self-Management
Breast Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Cancer Epidemiology, Cancer Surveillance and Infodemiology
Professional Training and CME in Oncology
Connected Health Symposium 2016
20% discount on the APF for presenters at the Boston Connected Health conference
Connected Health Conference 2018
$250 discount on the APF for presenters at the Boston Connected Health Conference.
Supporting Partners and Informal Caregivers of Cancer Patients
Chemotherapy and Side Effects Management
HPV Vaccination
Innovations in Cancer Diagnostic and Decision Support
Lung Cancer
Letters to the Editor
Guest Editorial
Health Services Research in Oncology
Discretionary Corrigenda
For corrigenda that are discretionary and a result of author-oversight (e.g. corrections in the affiliation etc) we charge a $190 processing fee to make changes in the original paper and publish an erratum.Please submit a correction statement (text similar to at under the section "Discretionary Corrigenda".
Cancer Prognosis Models and Machine Learning
Colon and Rectal Cancer
Viewpoints and Perspectives
Research Letter
Research Letters present new, early, or preliminary research findings. The text should use standard research headings of Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion and should be no longer than 750 words, with a maximum of 10 references and 2 tables or figures. The APF for Research Letters accepted after peer review is lower than the standard APF.
A commentary is published alongside other articles published in JMIR Publications journals. Commentaries are typically invited. Unsolicited commentaries may be considered at the discretion of the editor. They may or may not be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted as a commentary should offer thoughtful criticism of published work, drawing from evidence, expertise, and/or additional perspectives.
A "how-to" paper on an important practical or research issue. We recommend contacting the editor to discuss the suitability of a topic before submitting it. Submission of slides or audio/video files as supplementary files is strongly recommended.
Short Paper
Corrigenda and Addenda
This section lists all substantive corrections, additions or changes made to articles and reviews subsequent to their first publication in the journal. Corrigenda are usually submitted by the corresponding author of the original article, or the section editor. Published papers are considered "final", thus JMIR makes corrections to published papers only in exceptional circumstances. Note that while we do not charge to correct errata that are the responsibility of the publisher, we charge a $190 fee for discretionary corrigenda and addenda (please submit a correction under that section, if it is the authors' responsibility/decision to correct or add information to a already published article).