Articles published in 2015 in this theme: 4 (scroll down to load remaining articles)

Empowerment of Cancer Survivors Through Information Technology: An Integrative Review
Wim G Groen, Wilma Kuijpers, Hester SA Oldenburg, Michel WJM Wouters, Neil K Aaronson, Wim H van Harten
J Med Internet Res 2015 (Nov 27); 17(11):e270Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Tim Fissler, Martina Bientzle, Ulrike Cress, Joachim Kimmerle
JMIR Cancer 2015 (Sep 08); 1(2):e10Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

Age-Related Use and Perceptions of eHealth in Men With Prostate Cancer: A Web-Based Survey
Camella J Rising, Nadine Bol, Gary L Kreps
JMIR Cancer 2015 (Jun 25); 1(1):e6Download Citation: END BibTex RIS

The Cancer Experience Map: An Approach to Including the Patient Voice in Supportive Care Solutions
Leslie Kelly Hall, Breanne F Kunz, Elizabeth V Davis, Rose I Dawson, Ryan S Powers
J Med Internet Res 2015 (May 28); 17(5):e132Download Citation: END BibTex RIS