Needs and Preferences of Partners of Cancer Patients Regarding a Web-Based Psychological Intervention: A Qualitative Study

Needs and Preferences of Partners of Cancer Patients Regarding a Web-Based Psychological Intervention: A Qualitative Study

Needs and Preferences of Partners of Cancer Patients Regarding a Web-Based Psychological Intervention: A Qualitative Study

Nadine Köhle   1 , M Sc ;   Constance HC Drossaert   1 , PhD ;   Suzan Oosterik   2 , M Sc ;   Karlein MG Schreurs   1, 3 , PhD,Prof ;   Mariët Hagedoorn   4 , PhD,Prof ;   Cornelia F van Uden-Kraan   5 , PhD ;   Irma M Verdonck-de Leeuw   5, 6 , PhD,Prof ;   Ernst T Bohlmeijer   1 , PhD,Prof

1 University of Twente, Department of Psychology, Health & Technology, Enschede, Netherlands

2 Stichting Mindfit, Zwolle, Netherlands

3 Roessingh Research & Development, Enschede, Netherlands

4 University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Health Psychology, Groningen, Netherlands

5 VU University, Department of Clinical, Neuro- & Developmental Psychology, section Clinical Psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands

6 VU University Medical Center, Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Corresponding Author:

  • Nadine Köhle, M Sc
  • University of Twente
  • Department of Psychology, Health & Technology
  • P.O. Box 217
  • Enschede, 7500 AE
  • Netherlands
  • Phone: 31 053-489-2092
  • Fax: 31 053-489-2895
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