Published on in Vol 1, No 1 (2015): Jan-Jun

- Köhle N, Drossaert C, Oosterik S, Schreurs K, Hagedoorn M, van Uden-Kraan C, Verdonck-de Leeuw I, Bohlmeijer E. Needs and Preferences of Partners of Cancer Patients Regarding a Web-Based Psychological Intervention: A Qualitative Study. JMIR Cancer 2015;1(2):e13 View
- Ianakieva I, Fergus K, Ahmad S, Pereira A, Stephen J, McLeod D, Carter W, Panchaud J. Varying Levels and Types of Engagement in an Online Relationship Enhancement Program for Couples Following Breast Cancer. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy 2019;18(1):22 View
- Ianakieva I, Fergus K, Ahmad S, Pos A, Pereira A. A Model of Engagement Promotion in a Professionally Facilitated Online Intervention for Couples Affected by Breast Cancer. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 2016;42(4):701 View
- Schotanus-Dijkstra M, Drossaert C, Pieterse M, Walburg J, Bohlmeijer E. Efficacy of a Multicomponent Positive Psychology Self-Help Intervention: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2015;4(3):e105 View
- Köhle N, Drossaert C, ten Klooster P, Schreurs K, Hagedoorn M, Van Uden-Kraan C, Verdonck-de Leeuw I, Bohlmeijer E. Web-based self-help intervention for partners of cancer patients based on acceptance and commitment therapy and self-compassion training: a randomized controlled trial with automated versus personal feedback. Supportive Care in Cancer 2021;29(9):5115 View
- Stanger C, Kowatsch T, Xie H, Nahum-Shani I, Lim-Liberty F, Anderson M, Santhanam P, Kaden S, Rosenberg B. A Digital Health Intervention (SweetGoals) for Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: Protocol for a Factorial Randomized Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2021;10(2):e27109 View
- Fergus K, Tanen A, Ahmad S, Gardner S, Warner E, McLeod D, Stephen J, Carter W, Periera A. Treatment Satisfaction With Couplelinks Online Intervention to Promote Dyadic Coping in Young Couples Affected by Breast Cancer. Frontiers in Psychology 2022;13 View
- Hussain-Shamsy N, Shah A, Wasserman L, Cook G, Macdonald K, Greene K, Mukerji G, Vigod S, Zaheer J, Seto E. Virtual connection and real community: the qualitative experience of participating in a videoconferencing-based psychotherapy group for postpartum depression and anxiety. BMC Health Services Research 2024;24(1) View