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Published on 15.05.18 in Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Jan-Jun

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Works citing "Assessing Unmet Information Needs of Breast Cancer Survivors: Exploratory Study of Online Health Forums Using Text Classification and Retrieval"

According to Crossref, the following articles are citing this article (DOI 10.2196/cancer.9050):

(note that this is only a small subset of citations)

  1. Hargreaves S, Bath PA. Online Health Forums: The Role of Online Support for People Living with Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer Management 2019;8(2)
  2. van Eenbergen MC, van Engelen H, Ezendam NP, van de Poll-Franse LV, Tates K, Krahmer EJ. Paying attention to relatives of cancer patients: What can we learn from their online writings?. Patient Education and Counseling 2019;102(3):404
  3. Lu H, Xie J, Gerido LH, Cheng Y, Chen Y, Sun L. Information Needs of Breast Cancer Patients: Theory-Generating Meta-Synthesis. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(7):e17907
  4. Hand LC, Thomas TH, Belcher S, Campbell G, Lee YJ, Roberge M, Donovan HS. Defining Essential Elements of Caregiver Support in Gynecologic Cancers Using the Modified Delphi Method. Journal of Oncology Practice 2019;15(4):e369
  5. Hirschey R, Bryant AL, Walker JS, Nolan TS. Systematic Review of Video Education in Underrepresented Minority Cancer Survivors. Cancer Nursing 2020;43(4):259
  6. López Seguí F, Ander Egg Aguilar R, de Maeztu G, García-Altés A, García Cuyàs F, Walsh S, Sagarra Castro M, Vidal-Alaball J. Teleconsultations between Patients and Healthcare Professionals in Primary Care in Catalonia: The Evaluation of Text Classification Algorithms Using Supervised Machine Learning. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020;17(3):1093
  7. Pereira AAC, Destro JR, Picinin Bernuci M, Garcia LF, Rodrigues Lucena TF. Effects of a WhatsApp-Delivered Education Intervention to Enhance Breast Cancer Knowledge in Women: Mixed-Methods Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2020;8(7):e17430
  8. Jelodar H, Wang Y, Orji R, Huang S. Deep Sentiment Classification and Topic Discovery on Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 Online Discussions: NLP Using LSTM Recurrent Neural Network Approach. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2020;24(10):2733
  9. Dau H, Safari A, Saad El Din K, McTaggart-Cowan H, Loree JM, Gill S, De Vera MA. Assessing how health information needs of individuals with colorectal cancer are met across the care continuum: an international cross-sectional survey. BMC Cancer 2020;20(1)
  10. Lehmann J, Cofala T, Tschuggnall M, Giesinger JM, Rumpold G, Holzner B. Machine learning in oncology—Perspectives in patient-reported outcome research. Der Onkologe 2021;27(S2):150
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  12. Nguyen AX, Trinh X, Wang SY, Wu AY. Determination of Patient Sentiment and Emotion in Ophthalmology: Infoveillance Tutorial on Web-Based Health Forum Discussions. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(5):e20803
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  19. Szamreta EA, Mulvihill E, Aguinaga K, Amos K, Zannit H, Salani R. Information needs during cancer care: Qualitative research with locally advanced cervical cancer patients in Brazil, China, Germany, & the US. Gynecologic Oncology Reports 2024;51:101321
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  1. Giyahchi T, Singh S, Harris I, Pechmann C. Multimodal AI in Healthcare. 2023. Chapter 5:59