Published on in Vol 2, No 1 (2016): Jan-Jun

eHealth for Breast Cancer Survivors: Use, Feasibility and Impact of an Interactive Portal

eHealth for Breast Cancer Survivors: Use, Feasibility and Impact of an Interactive Portal

eHealth for Breast Cancer Survivors: Use, Feasibility and Impact of an Interactive Portal


  1. Ouhbi S, Fernández-Alemán J, Carrillo-de-Gea J, Toval A, Idri A. E-health internationalization requirements for audit purposes. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2017;144:49 View
  2. Ector G, Westerweel P, Hermens R, Braspenning K, Heeren B, Vinck O, de Jong J, Janssen J, Blijlevens N. The Development of a Web-Based, Patient-Centered Intervention for Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CMyLife): Design Thinking Development Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2020;22(5):e15895 View
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  4. van de Wiel H, Stuiver M, May A, van Grinsven S, Aaronson N, Retèl V, Oldenburg H, van der Poel H, Horenblas S, van Harten W, Groen W. (Cost-)effectiveness of an internet-based physical activity support program (with and without physiotherapy counselling) on physical activity levels of breast and prostate cancer survivors: design of the PABLO trial. BMC Cancer 2018;18(1) View
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  10. Ouhbi S, Fernández‐Alemán J, Toval A, Rivera Pozo J, Idri A. Sustainability requirements for connected health applications. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 2018;30(7) View
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  12. Groen W, Kuijpers W, Oldenburg H, Wouters M, Aaronson N, van Harten W. Supporting Lung Cancer Patients With an Interactive Patient Portal: Feasibility Study. JMIR Cancer 2017;3(2):e10 View
  13. Geerts P, van der Weijden T, Loeffen P, Janssen L, Almekinders C, Wienhold T, Bos G. Developing a patient portal for haematology patients requires involvement of all stakeholders and a customised design, tailored to the individual needs. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2019;19(1) View
  14. Kooij L, Groen W, van Harten W. Barriers and Facilitators Affecting Patient Portal Implementation from an Organizational Perspective: Qualitative Study.. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018;20(5):e183 View
  15. Fontes K, Veiga D, Naldoni A, Sabino-Neto M, Ferreira L. Physical activity, functional ability, and quality of life after breast cancer surgery. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 2019;72(3):394 View
  16. Marthick M, Dhillon H, Alison J, Cheema B, Shaw T. An Interactive Web Portal for Tracking Oncology Patient Physical Activity and Symptoms: Prospective Cohort Study. JMIR Cancer 2018;4(2):e11978 View
  17. Dorri S, Asadi F, Olfatbakhsh A, Kazemi A. A Systematic Review of Electronic Health (eHealth) interventions to improve physical activity in patients with breast cancer. Breast Cancer 2020;27(1):25 View
  18. Marthick M, Janssen A, Cheema B, Alison J, Shaw T, Dhillon H. Feasibility of an Interactive Patient Portal for Monitoring Physical Activity, Remote Symptom Reporting, and Patient Education in Oncology: Qualitative Study. JMIR Cancer 2019;5(2):e15539 View
  19. Sieverink F, Kelders S, Poel M, van Gemert-Pijnen L. Opening the Black Box of Electronic Health: Collecting, Analyzing, and Interpreting Log Data. JMIR Research Protocols 2017;6(8):e156 View
  20. Børøsund E, Mirkovic J, Clark M, Ehlers S, Andrykowski M, Bergland A, Westeng M, Solberg Nes L. A Stress Management App Intervention for Cancer Survivors: Design, Development, and Usability Testing. JMIR Formative Research 2018;2(2):e19 View
  21. IJsbrandy C, Ottevanger P, Gerritsen W, van Harten W, Hermens R. Determinants of adherence to physical cancer rehabilitation guidelines among cancer patients and cancer centers: a cross-sectional observational study. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2021;15(1):163 View
  22. Khan S, Lewis-Thames M, Han Y, Fuzzell L, Langston M, Moore J. A Comparative Analysis of Online Medical Record Utilization and Perception by Cancer Survivorship. Medical Care 2020;58(12):1075 View
  23. Baik S, Oswald L, Buscemi J, Buitrago D, Iacobelli F, Perez-Tamayo A, Guitelman J, Penedo F, Yanez B. Patterns of Use of Smartphone-Based Interventions Among Latina Breast Cancer Survivors: Secondary Analysis of a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Cancer 2020;6(2):e17538 View
  24. Ghanbari E, Yektatalab S, Mehrabi M. Effects of Psychoeducational Interventions Using Mobile Apps and Mobile-Based Online Group Discussions on Anxiety and Self-Esteem in Women With Breast Cancer: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2021;9(5):e19262 View
  25. Lehmann J, Buhl P, Giesinger J, Wintner L, Sztankay M, Neppl L, Willenbacher W, Weger R, Weyrer W, Rumpold G, Holzner B. Using the Computer-based Health Evaluation System (CHES) to Support Self-management of Symptoms and Functional Health: Evaluation of Hematological Patient Use of a Web-Based Patient Portal. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(6):e26022 View
  26. Ector G, Verweij L, Hermens R, Blijlevens N. Filling the gaps of patient information needs and information perception in chronic myeloid leukemia with the patient-physician co-produced web-based platform CMyLife. Patient Education and Counseling 2022;105(3):686 View
  27. Hopstaken J, Verweij L, van Laarhoven C, Blijlevens N, Stommel M, Hermens R. Effect of Digital Care Platforms on Quality of Care for Oncological Patients and Barriers and Facilitators for Their Implementation: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(9):e28869 View
  28. van de Wiel H, Stuiver M, May A, van Grinsven S, Aaronson N, Oldenburg H, van der Poel H, Koole S, Retèl V, van Harten W, Groen W. Effects of and Lessons Learned from an Internet-Based Physical Activity Support Program (with and without Physiotherapist Telephone Counselling) on Physical Activity Levels of Breast and Prostate Cancer Survivors: The PABLO Randomized Controlled Trial. Cancers 2021;13(15):3665 View
  29. Ingle M, Valdovinos C, Ford K, Zhou S, Bull S, Gornail S, Zhang X, Moore S, Portz J. Patient Portals to Support Palliative and End-of-Life Care: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2021;23(9):e28797 View
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  31. Gyawali B, Bowman M, Sharpe I, Jalink M, Srivastava S, Wijeratne D. A systematic review of eHealth technologies for breast cancer supportive care. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2023;114:102519 View
  32. Gothe N, Erlenbach E. Feasibility of a yoga, aerobic and stretching-toning exercise program for adult cancer survivors: the STAYFit trial. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2022;16(5):1107 View
  33. van Deursen L, Versluis A, van der Vaart R, Standaar L, Struijs J, Chavannes N, Aardoom J. eHealth Interventions for Dutch Cancer Care: Systematic Review Using the Triple Aim Lens. JMIR Cancer 2022;8(2):e37093 View
  34. Rodríguez-Torres J, Calvache-Mateo A, Ortiz-Rubio A, Muñoz-Vigueras N, López-López L, Valenza M. The use of eHealth to promote physical activity in thoracic malignancies survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Enfermería Clínica (English Edition) 2023;33(2):123 View
  35. SooHoo S, Keller M, Moyse H, Robbins B, McLaughlin M, Arora A, Burger A, Huang L, Huang S, Goud A, Truong L, Rodriguez D, Roberts P. Accessing Patient Electronic Health Record Portals Safely Using Social Credentials: Demonstration Pilot Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(1):e29647 View
  36. Rodríguez-Torres J, Calvache-Mateo A, Ortiz-Rubio A, Muñoz-Vigueras N, López-López L, Valenza M. Uso de eSalud para promover la actividad física en los supervivientes de neoplasias torácicas: revisión sistemática y metaanálisis. Enfermería Clínica 2023;33(2):123 View
  37. van de Graaf D, Mols F, Trompetter H, van der Lee M, Schreurs K, Børøsund E, Nes L, Smeets T. Effectiveness of the online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention “Embrace Pain” for cancer survivors with chronic painful chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 2022;23(1) View
  38. Hurmuz M, Jansen-Kosterink S, van Velsen L. How to Prevent the Drop-Out: Understanding Why Adults Participate in Summative eHealth Evaluations. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research 2023;7(1):125 View
  39. Williams V, Brown N, Moore J, Farrell D, Perumean-Chaney S, Schleicher E, Fontaine K, Demark-Wahnefried W, Pekmezi D. Web-Based Lifestyle Interventions for Survivors of Cancer: Usability Study. JMIR Formative Research 2022;6(2):e30974 View
  40. O’Connor D, Frankland J, Watts J, Brodie H, Hamer K, Foster C, Richardson A. Acceptability and usability of a patient portal for men with prostate cancer in follow-up care. Frontiers in Digital Health 2022;4 View
  41. Verweij L, Smit Y, Blijlevens N, Hermens R. A comprehensive eHealth implementation guide constructed on a qualitative case study on barriers and facilitators of the digital care platform CMyLife. BMC Health Services Research 2022;22(1) View
  42. Cooper K, Lapierre S, Carrera Seoane M, Lindstrom K, Pritschmann R, Donahue M, Christou D, McVay M, Jake-Schoffman D. Behavior change techniques in digital physical activity interventions for breast cancer survivors: a systematic review. Translational Behavioral Medicine 2023 View
  43. Verweij L, Ector G, Smit Y, van Vlijmen B, van der Reijden B, Hermens R, Blijlevens N. Effectiveness of digital care platform CMyLife for patients with chronic myeloid leukemia: results of a patient-preference trial. BMC Health Services Research 2023;23(1) View
  44. Pimentel-Parra G, Soto-Ruiz M, San Martín-Rodríguez L, Escalada-Hernández P, García-Vivar C. Effectiveness of Digital Health on the Quality of Life of Long-Term Breast Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review. Seminars in Oncology Nursing 2023;39(4):151418 View
  45. Elkefi S, Trapani D, Ryan S. The role of digital health in supporting cancer patients' mental health and psychological well-being for a better quality of life: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2023;176:105065 View
  46. Verweij L, Metsemakers S, Ector G, Rademaker P, Bekker C, van Vlijmen B, van der Reijden B, Blijlevens N, Hermens R. Improvement, Implementation, and Evaluation of the CMyLife Digital Care Platform: Participatory Action Research Approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2023;25:e45259 View
  47. Zhang Y, Flannery M, Zhang Z, Underhill-Blazey M, Bobry M, Leblanc N, Rodriguez D, Zhang C. Digital Health Psychosocial Intervention in Adult Patients With Cancer and Their Families: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JMIR Cancer 2024;10:e46116 View
  48. Abdelraheem O, Salama M, Chun S. Impact of digital interventions and online health communities in patient activation: Systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2024;188:105481 View
  49. Tuominen L, Leino-Kilpi H, Poraharju J, Cabutto D, Carrion C, Lehtiö L, Moretó S, Stolt M, Sulosaari V, Virtanen H. Interactive digital tools to support empowerment of people with cancer: a systematic literature review. Supportive Care in Cancer 2024;32(6) View
  50. Alpert J, Amin T, Zhongyue Z, Markham M, Murphy M, Bylund C. Evaluating the SEND eHealth Application to Improve Patients’ Secure Message Writing. Journal of Cancer Education 2024 View

Books/Policy Documents

  1. Ouhbi S, Idri A, Fernández-Alemán J. Smart Cities. View
  2. Siembida E, Salsman J. Psychological Aspects of Cancer. View
  3. McCarthy S. Handbook of Research on Cyberchondria, Health Literacy, and the Role of Media in Society’s Perception of Medical Information. View