JMIR Cancer accepted for PMC and PubMed

Update Apr 17, 2017: This process is finalized, JMIR Cancer can now be found in PubMed and in PubMed Central.

(Toronto, Jan 31st, 2017) We are pleased to announce that JMIR Cancer (JC) has been accepted by the scientific evaluators at NCBI for indexing in PubMed Central and PubMed. The staff at PubMed Central is currently checking our XML files and finalizing the setup and we expect all articles published since Vol 1 / Iss 1 to be in PubMed Central and PubMed within the next couple of months. The acceptance is the result of a rigorous scientific and technical evaluation by the US National Library of Medicine's (NLM’s) Library Operations Division, which decided that the scientific and editorial character and quality of JMIR Cancer merits its inclusion in PMC. In making this decision NLM has considered the suitability of the journal for the NLM collection as well as the opinions of expert consultants. 

JMIR Cancer is the 12th journal of JMIR Publications accepted for PMC/Pubmed. Other titles already in PMC/Pubmed include the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), interactive Journal of Medical Research (i-JMR), JMIR Research ProtocolsJMIR mHealth and uHealthJMIR Medical InformaticsJMIR Serious GamesJMIR Mental Health, JMIR Human Factors, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, JMIR Medical Education and Medicine 2.0. In addition, JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies is currently under evaluation, and JMIR Diabetes, JMIR Biomed Eng and JMIR Cardio will be submitted shortly.

We are still seeking academic leaders in the field of technology in oncology, cancer survivorship and cancer education and related fields to apply as section editors. There will be remuneration in form of a credit system, rewarding actions such as taking on papers as submission editor. EB members will also be able to use a small discount for their own papers, or papers they invite from other authors. 

Prequisites include a scholarly track-record, demonstrated by being a first author on peer-reviewed publications and having served as peer-reviewer (preferably this should include JMIR journals. Applicants can self-assign themselves to papers to be peer-reviewed at JMIR Preprints). 

Please read our FAQ article

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