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Theme Issues and Guest Editors

JMIR Publications journals reach tens of thousands of readers interested in information and communication technologies in health, and is therefore the preeminent knowledge translation venue in this area. We are happy to support, produce and co-edit JMIR Publications theme Issues as major knowledge translation activities in important and emerging areas of ehealth, with leaders in the respective fields as guest editors. We are looking for guest editors who wish to compile a theme issue on a special topic (e.g., electronic publishing, telemedicine, quality of health information, patient education, decision-support, Internet in psychiatry, theory in ehealth, mobile technologies, Web 2.0, and other topics). This may be of particular interest for workshop and conference organizers putting together a grant-funded event (e.g. with invited experts) on an eHealth-related topic. JMIR Publications journals are excellent dissemination vehicles of ehealth-related workshop results.

Theme issues may also be used as a knowledge dissemination vehicle for results from large collaborative grant-funded projects. Theme issues may contain, for example, state-of-the-art papers from selected/invited experts, research results from a large grant proposal (e.g. a series of connected studies), or simply articles submitted in response to a specific open call for papers.

For more details, please read our Knowledge Base articles: